Anyone Wanna Hangout? Review the Week?

Well, the ol Captain of Synchronous Communications has been a bit out of the Program lately. But you know, it is a SNOW DAY here in the little village of Cornville, Arizona so I figured I better take this time to jump back in. So I am.

I have used Prezi in a live presentation once or twice. I remember being really scared that the thing would start zooming in and out of control. I saw it happen once to a presenter and it was awkward. If it happened to me I would look even more out of control than I usually appear. That would be bad.

Below is one I did for a session here at the college. I like the description, “Presentation hopes to share vision of learning where useful tools are incorporated into the learning environment wisely.” Sounds smart. Or wise?

Jing is my favorite quick and easy capture tool. We have lots of folks using it well. I use it to share information about tools and it has some nice function. We use it to feed our 57 Second Blackboard Tips into our “TeLS Webletter.” Below is an image I captured using Jing, so it is not just for video!

Jing options

How about a hangout to discuss ideas for using the tools we have covered this last week? We can call it “A Week in Review.” Catchy titles help sometimes? I will offer up two sessions, one a hangout and the other a Collaborate session. Both can be informal and look at the tools in review and have a question and answer time. And just to see some of you folks again. I have tried to use the time converter below. I have struggled with it in the past.


Google Hangout (add me on G+ ) Monday the 25th 12:00 to 1:00 pm (Global Time Converter)

Collaborate Session (Link is here) Wednesday the 27th 10:00 am to 11:00 am (Global Time Converter)

I’ll schedule something later in the day, or early evening in a week or two. I know these are last minute, but let’s just see what happens!


  1. Thank you Todd!! I really like your 57 second videos. Very practical and direct. Your posting really helps. I do not like Prezi, it makes me dizzy. I will do one anyway for this week posting.
    Unfortunately, next week I am not available for the Hangout, buy I think it is a great idea and I hope you will repeat it.
    Thanks again,

  2. I enjoyed watching your Prezi. Very cool! Loved what you said about technology.
    I haven’t had too much experience with Jing but I should test it out more.

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