The #whyiteach in the #ccourses

Today, for me, the “Why I teach” is a result of the “Why and how I want to learn” I have experienced in most of my schooling. I was a whiner and very stubborn and I wanted it my way. Of course, I hardly ever got it my way. Nonetheless, I wanted to learn. I had a vision you know!


Spelling error aside, I share the video I below because it is still close to what I think about what I need. I need direction. I need time to think. I need to get somewhere better. I take my “I need” job very seriously.

On a side note I only just now observed. In the video, near the end, I ride my bike into a small wash and the word “challenge” appears. I am currently using that word in my work with the 9x9x25 Challenge. I made the video in about 2005 or 6. Funny how themes and words run through us…